PROJECT SIZE: 2.73 miles of stream restoration
Formerly an active river channel, the alignment slowly transitioned to an intermittent stream as the main stem migrated further away in the floodplain. Although the creek seasonally supported a healthy trout population, it also nearly dried up most years.
The project team conducted a thorough groundwater study which resulted in a groundwater development project that yielded a perennial baseflow sufficient to support a year-round trout fishery. The team designed and constructed channel dimensions to optimize spawning, rearing, and adult habitat specific to the new flow regime. The channel was carefully designed and constructed to achieve optimal ratios of pools, riffles, and runs, while utilizing appropriate spawning substrate and woody debris for habitat complexity and overhead cover.
A few short years after completion, the creek has become one of the most significant spawning and thermal refuge tributaries in the region. It also provides exceptional recreational opportunities for the landowner.